Presence of Jesus
I m going to reflect with you who was with Jesus “last at the cross and
first at the tomb.” Mary Magdalene, the disciple of the
Lord. I am going to reflect with you about the presence of Jesus.
Do you recognize the presence of Jesus
in your life?
Mary Magdalene did not recognize the
Lord Jesus after he had risen from the grave because, her focus was on the
empty tomb and on her own grief. It took only one word from Jesus, when he
called her by name, for Mary to recognize him. She was looking for Jesus in her
physical eyes but Jesus taught her to look through the spiritual eyes. Most of
the times we look with physical eyes but not the spiritual side of ours. The
Lord Jesus gives us "eyes of faith" to see the truth of his
resurrection and his victory over sin and death (Ephesians 1:18). The
resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of our hope - the hope that we will see
God face to face and share in his everlasting glory and joy.
Mary Magdalene had this experience in
her life.
Who is this Mary Magdalene? she is a
sinner. Jesus chased seven demons from her. She followed Jesus till the foot of
the cross. She is the one who came early to the tomb and searched for Jesus. The
disciples were in search of him but could not find him there and they left the
place. But she was weeping, sitting outside the tomb. She would have felt the
presence of him, so there is a an inner search, thirst for him, desire to see
him, longing to see him, waiting for his response. There 2 angels appeared to
her and asked her
why are u weeping? In the same question Jesus
asked her why you are weeping than she enquires about the Jesus who was in the
tomb somebody had taken away. Mary was not realized his presence but Jesus
reveals himself to her by calling her Name Mary?! Jesus encountered lot of
people but he calls her by name and sends her to convey the wishes to disciples.
She was longing for Jesus and in search of Jesus she found at last. And she
clings on to him and pastor to the disciples. What is the reason that Jesus
appears to Mary, not to the disciples, not event mother? May be Jesus has
special love for her the Biblical scholars say that when the good news is announce
to the women it spreads faster than men. That why Jesus appears to her. If he would
have appeared to disciples what would have happen they would have kept
themselves but here Jesus reveal his identity to her that she could be the true
disciple of Jesus. And the other reason is that Jesus has given importance to
the woman though the culture never consider the women.
Dear brethren, She realized and
recognizes Jesus’ presence. are we realize presence of Jesus? Sometimes like
Mary we look into the empty tomb??? Where Jesus is not there/ when we have true
thirst for him search for him we realize him in our lives.