WWME - Synodal Church லேபிளுடன் இடுகைகளைக் காண்பிக்கிறது. அனைத்து இடுகைகளையும் காண்பி
WWME - Synodal Church லேபிளுடன் இடுகைகளைக் காண்பிக்கிறது. அனைத்து இடுகைகளையும் காண்பி

The Emmaus Experience - Journeying Together as a Synodal Church

 The Emmaus Experience

Fr. Arul Kumar, SDB, NET-In

It is a wakeup call to the local church to

participate in the universal Church.

It is a call to personal conversion and


Synodal church is a journey wherein

couples are called to participate in building up the church. “Encounter,

listen and discern” are the three themes given by the Holy Father to

bring the synodality in the church. As couples who are part of Marriage

Encounter programme, we are going to encounter lots more couples in

our life. We have to encounter them like Jesus, listening to them with a

open heart and open mind. Only then we can be part of the discernment

that they make and we can enter into their lives through prayer and

dialogue. It is the spiritual journey that we are going to make together as

Marriage Encounter Teams.

Emmaus experience of the disciple is the model for us. In the

Emmaus experience, Jesus walked with the disciples and listened to

them attentively. He never judged them, never intervened while

sharing and never imposed his thoughts. He was a co-traveller with an

open heart, mind and eyes. And, this made the disciples invite Jesus to

stay with them. Later, while breaking bread, they identify Jesus and get

back to normal life. This encounter of Jesus which became the source of

new life is the outcome of the deep listening of Jesus and made them to

discern better for their lives. Our life in the family and in the church is

like the Emmaus journey where couples walk with the Church and find

meaning for their life. This takes place when Synodality is practised in

every home where couples encounter, listen and participate in

everything of their life. The spirit of synodality has to enter every home

and in the lives of every couple. This is the challenge placed before us all,

the Marriage Encounter team. How are we going to make it? We have to

practise it in our families and then only we can propose it to others. Our

families have to be synodal churches. Our Marriage Encounter family

also has to be the synodal family. Only then, can we bring the Kingdom

of our Lord amidst us.

“Synodality indicates walking together and

listening to one another but above all to the

Holy Spirit” (Pope Francis).

Our Journey Together as couple in the


Jesus wants us to walk together, side by side.

1. How do you feel we as a couple are doing at walking sideby-


2. Who do you feel is included/welcome on the Church's

local journey?

3. Who is not included or welcomed in our journey?

Our listening

4. How good are we couples at listening?

5. Who do we need to listen to more?

6. What stops us from listening more carefully?

Our Mission

7. Do couples take this mission seriously?

8. What stops us from being active in ME mission?

Our dialogue

9. As couples, how good are we at dialogue listening and

sharing ?

10. Good dialogue leads to collaboration – how do couples

collaborate as Catholics in our local community?

11. In what ways could we dialogue and collaborate with

others in the church?

Learning to Journey together

12. To what extent do you find couples are open to change

and new learning?