Worldwide Marriage Encounter WWME Tamil Nadu - My Encounter in ME

Family Ministry

Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) – WeekendsProgramme for Couples

“Love one another as I have loved you”

Worldwide Marriage Encounter is a movement that helps couples to live out their commitment of their profession of love they have made on the wedding day.  WWME is a pastoral ministry that would help married couples to renew/to enrich/ to live the sacrament as a Christian family and to proclaim the value of Marriage and Holy Orders in the Church and in the world. This program is organized on weekends for the couples. I had attended the weekends trainings and found it very useful to me. It may be useful for the other religious who are all involved in the pastoral ministry and building their respective religious communities.  There are enormous challenges to married life and commitment today. There are ups and downs, joys and sorrows, success and disappointments in marriage. Pope Francis said, “Marriage is not easy. It is never easy… but it is so beautiful… it is beautiful.” The most beautiful part is when a man and woman pledge their love for life. A movement like Worldwide Marriage Encounter helps to promote weekends to enhance growth and happiness in married relationships and to make good marriages great.


Divine Call is the Source of Inspiration for ME


My journey with WWME, is a great inspiration for me and to know about Marriage encounter (ME) from the sharing by the couples. I have seen many of the couples leading a holy life, showing good example for the other couples, in the Church and more than that in their Marriage encounter ministry. As I have seen their struggle in leading a holy life because they have many challenges in the family living but they are together because they have understood each other. It is a God’s gift that each and every member of ME is called by God to bear witness as couples and to be a source of inspiration for other couples. I feel that God called me through Mr. Dorairaj and Ms. Mary Alphonsa to encounter the couples. It is a call within a call to do Marriage encounter ministry as a Salesian of Don Bosco (SDB). I had the opportunity to attend weekend programmes and have undergone many changes being a religious priest living in communities.



The Marriage Encounter movement dates back to the late 1950s. In Barcelona, a newly

ordained Spanish priest was challenged by a young couple who wanted to find a way to serve

God and man within their marriage.  Marriage Encounter traces its roots to Spain. In working with young people in the parish, the Diocesan Laborer priest Gabriel Calvo realized how important it is for the growth and upbringing of children that their parents must live in harmony. He designed an instrument that would facilitate and deepen dialogue between the husband and wife and to strengthen the "I will" that they bear in their hearts. This was presented as a weekend retreat in Spain in 1962. In 1967, the experience reached the United States of America through the Christian Family Movement. In the New York area, the "marriage encounter weekends" were standardized and enriched by a number of married couples and by the Jesuit priest Fr. Chuck Gallagher. Soon these weekends were being presented in the ten most Catholic cities in the United States. The New York branch of the movement became known as Worldwide Marriage Encounter after the international expansion began in 1972.


       The movement exists to help married couples live their relationship intimately and responsibly; to understand and better their role within the Church. The foundational experience is the Worldwide Marriage Encounter retreat animated by the testimony of three married couples and a priest who deal with various aspects of daily living. Participants learn to communicate at a deeper level using the technique of dialogue. Priests and religious who wish to authentically live their own vocation may also participate. There is community support to continue the dialoguing lifestyle and to provide further formation. The movement fosters the integration of married couples and families into the parishes which encourages them to use their sacramental love for service in the Church and in the world.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter India

In 1970, Fr. Peter de Sousa, a Redemptorist Priest who was sent to the United States for a course in Psychology and Counseling happened to do a weekend and was inspired to carry that dream to India. He came down with a young couple, Pat and Dick Lexandro with two infant boys, to initiate the movement in India. Bangalore was the hub from where the movement was carried to the other cities and towns across India. Later it was translated in the vernacular and now there are weekends in English, Hindi, Tamil and Malayalam and soon may be in Bengali and Telugu.

As part of the outreach, Marriage Encounter India has taken the dream to Singapore, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Dubai and Malaysia where the movement is growing. The loss of Fr. Chuck Gallagher & Fr. Peter de Sousa are a great loss to the movement.  We need to thank God for the gift of these two noble priests who had a deep love to spread the values of Holy Matrimony and Priesthood in the Church and in the world.

Importance of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends

Couples and priests are invited to take part in a marriage encounter weekend which is set in a loving atmosphere. It is designed to help married couples communicate more intimately with each other in order to deepen and enrich their relationship. We all live in a very busy world, constantly on the move from one activity to another and very often do not have time for our spouse or ourselves.

A marriage encounter weekend helps a couple to be together alone, to be away from all the distractions, to take time out, to focus on their relationship and to reconnect with the spouse. The effect of the weekend will leave a couple renewed in their commitment, restore communication and rekindle romance in their married relationship. The weekend fans the flames of the amber of love and leaving a couple refreshingly all over in love again. In the marriage encounter we believe that a couple does not ‘need’ a weekend but rather ‘deserves’ a weekend because they are spending the time for the most important and precious relationship with their spouse. It reminds them of how special a couple’s love is for each other and how strong they can grow together.

Continual Renewal of Love

A priest or a religious is also a part of the Marriage Encounter weekend. Just as a couple has made a lifelong commitment, so too a priest has made a lifelong commitment to the Church, the people of God. The sacrament of matrimony and priesthood are parallel sacraments. It deepens his relationship with his people as he encounters himself in the weekend and is better able to understand the struggles of his people, the joys and sorrows of his people and helps in communication at a deeper level.


“Love one another as I have loved you.”



To proclaim the values of Marriage and Holy Orders in the Church and in the world


The Charism of worldwide marriage encounter is “faith through Relationship’

Central to this Charism is an open, honest, tender and trusting relationship between the husband and wife, between the couples and priests, between the priests and religious and their communities, between the leadership teams and those they lead, and the relationship of everybody with God.


WWME is governed at every level (local, diocesan, regional, national) by Ecclesial Teams made up of a priest and a married couple. At the worldwide level, the movement is coordinated by the International Ecclesial Team, assisted by six Ecclesial Teams who represent the existing Secretariats for Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America and the Pacific.





Worldwide Marriage Encounter is present in 90 countries as follows: Africa (15), Asia (13), Europe (26), North America (12), Pacific (4), and Latin America (20).




1.      Community 2. Structure 3. Weekend 4. Presenting Team


‘Prime Time’ WWME Magazine - quarterly publications at the national level in India

Marriage Encounter for Couples

Worldwide Marriage Encounter offers a weekend experience designed to give married couples the opportunity to learn a technique of loving communication that they can use for the rest of their lives. It's a chance to look deeply into their relationship with each other and with God. It's a time to share their feelings, hopes and dreams with each other.

The emphasis of the Marriage Encounter weekend is on the communication between husbands and wives. The weekend provides a conducive environment for couples to spend time together, away from the distractions and tensions of everyday life, while encouraging them to focus on each other and their relationship.

It's not a retreat, marriage clinic, group sensitivity, or a substitute for counseling. It's a unique approach aimed at revitalizing Marriage.

This is a time for husband and wife to be alone together, to rediscover each other and together focus on their relationship for an entire weekend. Every marriage deserves such a kind of attention and should be built up in their respective family living.

Marriage Encounter for Priest


As a priest, the individual may have promoted WWME among the parishioners and may be aware of Worldwide Marriage Encounter’s effectiveness in bringing couples closer together and often transforming or even saving marriages.  The weekends are designed in such a way that both priests and religious can participate fully. The principles of love, commitment and effective communication translate quite easily to the relationships they have with everyone with whom they have dedicated their life to serving. This new way of communication is both specific and adaptable. Any one will be able to use it in virtually to every relationship and situation. Priests who have made a weekend recall the experience as “life enhancing.” WWME invites the diocesan or religious priest to take part in this weekend programme and became a team priest to give weekends.


Purpose of Marriage Encounter


The purpose of Marriage Encounter is to assist a couple to discover their marriage through ongoing mutual trust and dialogue. This unique method of dialogue means prayerful, personal reflection and mutual sharing, which leads to the enrichment of themarital relationship and growth of the man and woman as individuals and as a couple. With the family as the fundamental cell of society and the married couple as the heart of the family, the Marriage Encounter experience strengthens families and communities.  Marriage Encounter respects and supports the couples as they discover their own dignity, uniqueness, and creativity. It is essential that married couples continually strive to discover the presence and action of God in their individual and family lives, according to their own beliefs. Marriage Encounter follow-up programs enable couples to continue their growth.

Covai UCT Photo with National Ecclesial Team (NET) couple and priest

Mr.John & Ms. Wendy

Fr. Rubert Arulvalan







My Encounter in Marriage Encounter (ME)


I came to know about this WWME from Mr. Dorairaj &

 Ms. Alphonsa and I joined this programme by attending

Weekend programme at Coiambatore and Sayathurai. It was a

wonderful experience to see the commitment of the couples in the training.

This movement has also encouraged the priest and religious to take part in further training and to join the team.  I had the chance to attend this programme and my religious community witnessed the fruits of the training. Therefore my Salesian community encouraged me to take part in this ME Programme.  I organized the weekend programme at Don Bosco NEST with ME (Marriage Encounter) – UCT (Unit coordinating team) team couples Mr. Dorairaj & Alphonsa and Mr. Lawerence & Rosline and Fr. Rosario ME team priest for Coimbatore Diocese.  In that Weekend programme seven couples participated and three couples completed the training.


Coimbatore Diocese Marriage Encounter Team    UCT        Priest -2, couples -2


Mr. Dorairaj&Alphonsa – UCT

Mr. Lawerence&Rosline – Secretary

Fr. Rosario -  UCT -Team Priest

Fr. Arul kumar SDB – Team priest

Weekends Programme Attended

Original Weekend: 21. St. Antony’s Church,Vadavalli Coimbatore


         2. St. Sebastin Church, Sayathurai Sulthanpattai

Deeper Weekend: Loyola Retreat Center, Pune



Mr.John and Ms. Wendy along with Fr. Abhay S.J gave training in deeper WE at Pune from the 28th of Feb to 1st March. It was a very an enriching experience for me to be with couples and priests in the deeper training. Fr. Abhay’s animated us in a creative way to get the responses from us. Four couples and Five priests made the journey in this deeper weekend and were commissioned to take the light of ME to every corners of the world.



I have attended two conferences. Tiruchy and Pune

WWME National Conference at Tiruchy – Oct 2018


  WWME Conference at Papal Seminary Pune – Oct 2019


The 39th WWME National conference was held at Pune from 27th to 30th October 2019 and it was a witness to selfless love, dedication, commitment and unity among the Pune Team couples. National Conference was attended by representatives from 11 Units from all over India. The Pune teams were one in heart and mind and worked very hard to host the meeting. The theme was ‘Call to Holiness’ which dwelt on the formation of the couples and it was presented by NET. Rt. Rev. Thomas Dabre, Bishop of Pune presided over the inaugural mass and graced the opening ceremony with his presence. Fr. Milton Gonsalves, Secretary of the CCBI Family Commission also participated in the meeting. It was a time of sharing of the joys and sorrows as we reported our efforts to renew the church through Marriage Encounter Weekends and other programmes.


Elected as the RET (Regional Ecclesial Team) priest in Tamil Nadu – Feb 2020


In the Pune conference we had decided to have a meeting at Chennai because there was vacancy in the leadership at the regional level and the need to elect the RET. We organized the meeting as we had planned in Chennai with the help of Fr. Andrew and Mr. Charles & Catherine UCT. In that meeting we had elected RET couples and priest. They unanimously elected me as the Regional Ecclesial Team Priest (RET).


                In Detail Report of ME Programme at Chennai


We had two days ME programme at Pastoral centre, Santhome, in Chennai on 8th and 9th Feb 2020.  The programme commenced with Holy Spirit song followed by prayer.  UCTs from Chennai, Trichy, and Tuticorin with ME couples and Priests attended the programme. Fr ARULKUMAR SDB also attended from Coimbatore unit. Focus had been given to sort out the difference that prevailed among the couples in RET.   There was an open and free discussion and the past misunderstanding were sorted out. 


Main agenda for second day programme was to elect new RET office bearers.   Jayakumar and Girija from Trichy was elected as RET head couple and Fr ARULKUMAR, SDB from Coimbatore was elected as RET priest.  Mohan Alexander and Morning Star from Tuticorin was elected as RET Secretary Couple and Nathan and Josephine from Chennai was elected as RET Treasurer Couple. Patrick and Regina was elected as RET extended couple for three years from 2020. Formation Talks (Call to Holiness) were translated into Tamil and presented to the ME by Jayakumar and Girija and Fr ARULKUMAR SDB.

Planning for the Marriage Encounter Weekend Programme with Team


Weekend Programme Organized at Don Bosco NEST Tirupur


                Thanks to Salesian Community & Team Couple

I would like to thank Don Bosco NEST community for supporting me to take forward this WWME programme to the couples.

Pastoral Accompaniment

            Pastoral care must take the priority in the church and the couples have a special attention in this. We must be patient and merciful to those who find themselves living in grave danger of breaking their relationships. They are to be treated as Jesus did to the poor, weak, suffering, and wounded. However, the pastoral priority, indicated by Amoris Laetitia for the present time, is to prevent as far as possible wounds, divisions, and marriage failures. “Today, more important than before, the pastoral care of failures is the pastoral effort to strengthen marriages and thus to prevent their breakdown” (AL 307; cf. ibid., 211).

We must confidently and patiently develop organic family pastoral care, including remote and immediate marriage preparation and, after the wedding, the formation of the couple and especially the young spouses  (cf. AL 200; 202; 207; 208; 227; 229; 230). For this, personal closeness and family encounters, small groups and communities are more beneficial than convoked assemblies and crowded meetings. With this aim, it is necessary to promote the protagonism of the families themselves and their missionary responsibility (“families which go forth”), while emphasizing, among other things, the cooperation of movements and ecclesial associations.

To Conclude …

Marriage Encounter couples share the incredible gift of their “couple power” to the world around. Worldwide Marriage Encounter hopes to reach out to many more married couples, priests and religious bringing Marriage Encounter to many more countries and dioceses. May God continue to bless the growth of Worldwide Marriage Encounter. When I did a Marriage Encounter weekend it changed my perspective of my priesthood, it helped me to grow in the conviction of being there for my people. In every weekend programme I had experienced that I was rejuvenated and invariably at the end of the weekend programme I could sense the energy and vibrancy of the entire atmosphere that had changed because of the sharing of the participants. It is an amazing experience that refuels and renews the love that God has placed in our hearts for Jesus himself says, “Love one another as I have loved you,” and was expressed by giving his life for his bride the Church.

As the e ME couples, priest and religious are chosen by God for a great mission to take forward the marriage encounter programme to the couples.

To help us help more couples in “your parishes” learn about Marriage Encounter:   Call for Weekend programme

                                       WWME Pamphlets

                                       Mass Talks/Information Table

                                       WWME Information in your Parish Bulletin

                                      WWME Information in your Parish Website 

                        Contact us : Fr. Arul kumar SDB, RET  8489891394      Jayakumar &  Girija  9344217427

Presence of Jesus - Mary Magdalene had this experience in her life

Presence of Jesus

 I m going to reflect with you who was with Jesus “last at the cross and first at the tomb.” Mary Magdalene, the disciple of the Lord. I am going to reflect with you about the presence of Jesus.

Do you recognize the presence of Jesus in your life?

Mary Magdalene did not recognize the Lord Jesus after he had risen from the grave because, her focus was on the empty tomb and on her own grief. It took only one word from Jesus, when he called her by name, for Mary to recognize him. She was looking for Jesus in her physical eyes but Jesus taught her to look through the spiritual eyes. Most of the times we look with physical eyes but not the spiritual side of ours. The Lord Jesus gives us "eyes of faith" to see the truth of his resurrection and his victory over sin and death (Ephesians 1:18). The resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of our hope - the hope that we will see God face to face and share in his everlasting glory and joy.

Mary Magdalene had this experience in her life.

Who is this Mary Magdalene? she is a sinner. Jesus chased seven demons from her. She followed Jesus till the foot of the cross. She is the one who came early to the tomb and searched for Jesus. The disciples were in search of him but could not find him there and they left the place. But she was weeping, sitting outside the tomb. She would have felt the presence of him, so there is a an inner search, thirst for him, desire to see him, longing to see him, waiting for his response. There 2 angels appeared to her and asked her

 why are u weeping? In the same question Jesus asked her why you are weeping than she enquires about the Jesus who was in the tomb somebody had taken away. Mary was not realized his presence but Jesus reveals himself to her by calling her Name Mary?! Jesus encountered lot of people but he calls her by name and sends her to convey the wishes to disciples. She was longing for Jesus and in search of Jesus she found at last. And she clings on to him and pastor to the disciples. What is the reason that Jesus appears to Mary, not to the disciples, not event mother? May be Jesus has special love for her the Biblical scholars say that when the good news is announce to the women it spreads faster than men. That why Jesus appears to her. If he would have appeared to disciples what would have happen they would have kept themselves but here Jesus reveal his identity to her that she could be the true disciple of Jesus. And the other reason is that Jesus has given importance to the woman though the culture never consider the women.

Dear brethren, She realized and recognizes Jesus’ presence. are we realize presence of Jesus? Sometimes like Mary we look into the empty tomb??? Where Jesus is not there/ when we have true thirst for him search for him we realize him in our lives.

உயிர்ப்பு பெருவிழா உலக அளவில் மலரும் மன உறவு கலந்துரையாடல் - சாரம் WWME on Easter Sunday on line event in Brief

உயிர்ப்பு பெருவிழா உலக அளவில்  மலரும்  உறவு கலந்துரையாடல் - சாரம்


அருட்பணி. அருள்குமார் .  RET-TN


உயிர்ப்பு பெருவிழா ஞாயிறு அன்று WWME -IET உலக அளவில் .. (மலரும் மன உறவு) தலைமை தம்பதியர் மற்றும் குருவும் ஸ்;பெயினிலிருந்து உலகத்திலுள்ள .. உள்ள எல்ல தம்தபதியர்களுக்கும் குருக்களுக்கும் துறவத்தார் அனைவருக்கும் கிருஸ்து உயிர்ப்பு பெருவிழா வாழ்த்துக்கள் கூறி இந்த  Lock down நேரத்தில் .. புத்துயிர் அளிக்கும் வகையிலும் உற்சாகமும் நம்பிக்கை ஏற்படுத்தவும், இந்த ஊடகத்தின் வாயிலாக உயிர்ப்பின் செய்தியை பல்வேறு நாட்டு தம்பதியர்களையும் குருக்களையும் இனைத்து கிருஸ்து உயிர்ப்பு செய்தியை நேரலையாக கொடுத்தார்கள் அதனுடைய சாரம்சத்தை தமிழில் கொடுக்கின்றேன்.


அவர் உயிருடன் இருக்கிறார் அதை உணருங்கள் அருவியுங்கள் - என்ற தலைப்புடன் தம்பதியர்கள் ஜெசிகோ சுசானா அருட்பணி. ஜீன் லிம்பார்கா உயிர்ப்பு பெருவிழா வாழ்த்து கூறி கலந்துரையாடலைத் தொடங்கினார்கள்.


இந்த கலந்துரையாடல் ஏன் என்றால் நாம் அனைவரும்  உலகலாவிய .. தம்பதியர்கள் குருக்கள் ஒன்று கூட சாத்தியமில்லாத சூழலில் நம் உறவுகள் வழுபெறவும் இந்த நேரலை உதவியாக இருக்கும்.


அவர் உயிருடன் இருக்கிறார் அதை உணருங்கள் அருவியுங்கள் என்ற முழக்கத்தோடு தொடங்கப்பட்டது. இந்த நேரலை. எதற்காக இந்த IET நடத்துவதற்கான நோக்கம்:




1.    உற்சாகப்படுத்துதல் :

தற்போதைய சூழலில் வைரசினால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டோர் நோய்வாய்பட்டோர் சிலநபர்கள் ஏன் நம்மில் கூட சிலருக்கு தொற்று இருந்திருக்கலாம், மருத்துவமனையிலோ அல்லது தனிமைப்படுத்தப்பட்டோ கூட இருக்கலாம், நம்மில் சில நபர்கள் முதியவர்கள் இருக்கின்றார்கள் ஏன் குருக்களும் கூட. நம்மால் முடிந்த அளவு உதவி செய்து பல நபர்களை காப்பாற்றியிருக்கலாம். அவர்களுக்கு பொருட்களை கொடுத்து உதவியிருக்கலாம். கிரிஸ்து நமக்கு நம்பிக்கையும் உற்சாகமும் அளிப்பவராக இருக்கின்றார்.



2.    உயிர்ப்பு பொருவிழாவை வேறு விதமாக கொண்டாடநம்பிக்கையில்

கிருஸ்து பொருவிழாவை வேறு விதமாக  கொண்டாடுவது என்று சிந்திக்கையில்,  தற்போதைய சூழலில் கொரனா வைரஸ் தொற்று காரணமாக ஆலயங்கள் பூட்டி இருகின்றது. இந்த லாக் டவுன் (Lock Down) நமக்கு பாலைவன அனுபவமாக இருந்தாலும் உயிர்ப்பு விழா நமக்கு நம்பிக்கை கொடுக்கிறது.


துன்பமும் வழிகளும் நிறைந்த நம்வாழ்வை கொண்டாடுகின்றோம். உலகில் நோய் தொற்றினால் இறப்பு அதிகரித்துக்கொண்டே இருக்கின்ற நேரத்தில் நம் எல்லோருமாக நமது வாழ்வை கொண்டாட முயலுவோம். தம்பதியர்கள் துன்பமும் வழிகளையும் நிறைந்த வாழ்வில் விவாகரத்தை தவிர்க்க அன்பு தேவைப்படுகின்றது.


அருட்பணி. ஜீன் கூறுகையில்,  நம் ... குழுமத்தின் சார்ந்திருக்கின்றோம் எப்படி எனில் உரையாடலின் வழியாகவும் செபத்தின் வழியாகவும் தான். இந்த ... 90 நாடுகளிலும் 7 கண்டங்களிலும் செயல்பட்டுக் கொண்டிருக்கின்றது. இந்த கருத்தரங்களில் பல்வேறு நாடுகளிலிருந்து குருக்களும் தம்பதியர்களும் இதில் இனைந்திருக்க அழைப்புகொடுக்கப்பட்டிருக்கின்றது. நாம் உயிர்ப்பின் மகிழ்சியியை ஊடகத்தின் வழியாக பகிர்ந்து கொள்வது எல்லோருக்கும் பயனுள்ளதாக இருக்கும்.


சிலுவையில் அறையப்பட்ட இயேசு  நமது நம்பிக்கை உயிர்பிலேதான் இருக்கின்றது. நமது வாழ்வின் கடவுள் பயணிக்கின்றார்.


நம் வாழ்வு கடினமாகவும் அழுகையும் வழியும் துன்பமும் இதருந்தாலும் கடவுள் நமக்கு நம்மோடு  இருக்கின்றார். அவர் அனைத்தையும் மாற்றுவார் ஏனெனில் அவர் நம்மோடு இருந்து நமக்கு புதுவாழ்வு கொடுக்கின்றார்.


துன்பம் உண்மையானது ஆனால் குணமடைதல் உண்மையானது

இறப்பு இயற்கையானது ஆனால் வாழ்வு என்பது மிகவும் உண்மையானது

வெறுப்பு இயற்கையானது ஆனால் அன்பு என்புது மிகவும் உண்மையானது


இப்போது நம் தேவை என்னவென்றால் அன்பு, அது நம்மை நெருக்கமடைய செய்கின்றது. அன்பை பகிர்தலின் மூலமாக நாம் பல்வேறு இதயங்களை வென்று எடுக்க முடியும். இந்த லாக் டவுன் (Lock down) சமயத்தில் நமது குடும்பத்தில் இரக்கம் காட்டி நம் உறவுகளை சரிசெய்து கொள்ள வேண்டும்.


நாம் தனிமையிலும் வெறுப்பிலும் இருளிலும் இருந்தாலும் நமக்கு விடிவுகாலம் இருக்கின்றது அதுதான் உயிர்ப்பு பொருவிழா. உயிர்த்த இயேசு நம்மோடு வாழ்கின்றார் நன்றி செலுத்துவோம் ஏனெனில் அவர் நல்லவர் அவர் நம்மை அன்பு செய்கின்றார். அல்லோலூயா!



வினா: சிந்திக்க எழுதி பகிர 5:5

உயிர்ப்பு  பெருவிழாவிலே நான் என்ன கூறினால் நான் உன்னிடம் நெருக்கமடைய முடியும்?



வினா: சிந்திக்க எழுதி பகிர 10:10

உயிர்ப்பு பொருவிழா காலத்திலே என்னுடைய எதிர்காலத்தின் நம்பிக்கை என்னவாக இருக்கின்றது?


உயிப்பு பொருவிழா வாழ்த்துக்கள்


இது கலந்துரையாடலின் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட பகுதி மட்டுமே தமிழாக்கம் செய்யப்பட்டிருக்கிறது. முழு கலந்துரையாடலை பார்க்க:

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Don Bosco past pupils meet – 2019 Don Bosco NEST - Tirupur

Don Bosco past pupils meet – 2019



Don Bosco past pupils meeting was held at Don Bosco NEST, Tirupur for the academic year 2019-20. Past pupils gathered in the name of Don Bosco Past Pupils Association last week of June every year. This year we had it on 30th June, 2019. Fr. Arulkumar SDB welcomed the gathering and explained about the Past Pupils Unit. He read out the rules and regulations of past pupils unit.  He stressed on the membership of past pupils unit. There were 45 of them participated in this meeting and the expressed their gratitude to the institution. They shared their own experience about work place and how was the training helped for their work. They were very positive about Don Bosco NEST training and they cherished about it.  They had drug awareness and prevention programme for them. This session was led by Rev.Fr. John Dharman SDB and JANANAM team.  They understood the danger of drugs and they took oath at the end of the session. They promised to take this awareness to their friends and families too. Fr. Gabriel SDB motivated them to be successful persons in the society. He stressed on discipline in life and constant savings for the future. He was also encouraged them to enroll in the unorganized labour union to get government benefits. They planned to gather in the month of December and January. He gave vote of thanks and concluded the meeting.



Report by

Fr. Arul kumar SDB