his year the summer camp was
organized for the students of
Pallithammam  from  1st  of May  to
7th of May at Pallithammam Com-
munity Hall and for the students
of  Puliadithammam  from  8th  May
to  14th  May  at  Puliadithammam
R.C middle school. Students from
1st standard to 11th standard par-
ticipated in this camp. This camp
was named as ‘Iraivakkinar vazhli
vazhalnthida.’ Under the able guid-
ance  Fr.  Eugene,  Br.Arul  together
with PHS Joe and Robert organized
the camps. There were altogether
18 volunteers who helped out in
both the camps. There were totally
175 students who participated in
both the camps.  It was a full day
camp which began at 9 am in the
morning and ended at 5.00 pm in
the evening.  The time table consists
of morning assembly, special talks,
classes, competitions, games, read-
ing practices, cultural programs etc.
For each day, a theme was selected
and many special topics taught  to
the children. Competitions were or-
ganized every day. The volunteers
There were totally
helped out in taking classes, orga-
treasure hunt were organized for the
nizing competitions and games. The
175 students who
students. Among these the interest-
students were taught Spoken Eng-
participated in both
ing ones were cooking, rangoli and
lish, reading practices, Catechism,
treasure hunt. A cultural program
the camps.  It was a
life coping skills ect. The students
was organized in the village to ex-
were divided into four teams and
full day camp which
hibit the talents of the students.  Fr.
they  were also given identity cards.
Joseph Antony the Rector of Bosco
The students paid 20 Rupees for
began at 9 am in the
Mayam and the village head was in-
the camp as entry fee. The leaders
morning and ended at
vited for the program. The people of
of the all the six anbiyams helped
the village were largely present for
5.00 pm in the
by assisting us in kind and money.
the event. The studetns were taken
The followings were the different
for a day of picnic to Rameshwaram
topics and events that the students
on 21st May. This camp was a suc-
underwent during the days of the
cern /Communicate your values /
cessful one. The children were very
camp: Importance of Prayer in life/
Cleanliness  and  hygiene  /  Positive
happy to participate in the camp.
Vocation day / Responsibility of a
and creative thinking.
They learned to work as a team, to
student/ know your rights (human
Competitions were the most excit-
help each other, to be more compet-
rights) /Need for Search in life/
ing part of the camp. Singing, danc-
itive, to be sportive etc.
Treasure hunt / Students social con-
ing, cooking, rangoli, drawing and

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Pongal Celebration Don Bosco NEST 2025