Don Bosco Supernatural Person

Don Bosco Supernatural Person 

 Don Bosco was nine, God gives him a task and provides him with a teacher. We are told it was a dream but dreams normally can be divide into three groups like

 1. dreams that are a result of bad  digestion 

2. dreams that are wish fulfillment, expression of insecurity and inhibited drives

3. dreams that are visions. 

the first two categories of dreams never solve a problem, provide a solution, point out the way or express the future. our own experience bears witness to it. None of our dreams has ever brought us ansers to our questions. they only echoad our problems. but his first dream was a project for  life with a clear goal and a way, the method, and means traced out, and a guide given. This was indeed a visions and that at the age of 9. 

In this same line of reflection could any one deny the presence of supernatural in dreams like in the dream of  Rose Pergola bringing about the importance of mortification in the year 1847. the dream of two columns in the sea, concerning the church's battle against adversaries in 1862. the dream of the deadly nooses, in the year 1869 stressing the importance of confession. the dream of ten diamonds - the divine revelations of how the congregation ought to be and many others. 

Don Bosco used to say, "Every brick in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians speaks of a miracle worked by our Blessed mother" Three are numerous of these and to start with-- it was 1883 Dec 1st an article appeared by arras, wherein one reads, "Among all the graces received by the people through the intercession of our lady the most outstanding ones are evidently, the ones worked by God in the favor of one of his beloved  Don Bosco. 

In the year 1885 9th of April Don Bosco was in the Novitiate House in France. A paralyzed man was brought to him. he was miraculously cured and was seen walking out leaning on his stick. Don Bosco Told his secretary don Vigletti, I could have also told lot of talking. Here one sees that the miraculous was at the beck and call of divine providence. Here God works not only a miracle but also through Don Bosco. 

In 1886 at Varazze a rustic farmer with his arm in sling, approached Don Bosco asking for a cure. Don Bosoc turning to him said Which arm  the poor man was confused which arm needed the cure. he felt ok in both his arms. here one sees a miracle as part of a joke proving that the supernatural was the ordinary in the life of Don Bsoco. 

In the year 1938, certain sis. Celestina  superior general of the Eucharistic sisters in a written statement to Do. Ricaldone said our founder sis . Maria christian, before founding our society, wanted to consult St. John Bosco about her vocation. finding Don Bosco 23rd of May 1887 n ta meeting of cooperates, she could just kiss the hand of the saint  and before she could just kiss the band of the saint and before she could put across a word to him about her founding a congregation Don Bosco said to her Christina, you have asked for a sigh from our lady about your vocation, well our lady will answer through me. I ll explain to you later . And she did go to the saint to get all the needed explanations, and before she took leave, Don Bosco said you will come again once more to see me, but i will not be able to bless you at that time. Actually sis. Christina arrived in Turin once again to meet Don Bosco on the 1st of Feb 1888, to her great surprise she found Don Bosco in the coffin, then she remembered the words of Don Bosco. This we can call it as a prophecy to as the supernatural present or absent in the life of even on his death bed.

In 1887  Boy was bitten by a dog  parents of that lad fearing the dog to be mad one took the gut to Turin for anti-rabies treatment. The doctor told them that they must verify whether the dog was mad or not. Unfortunately the dog could not be traced, the boy was brought to Don Bosco. He told the parents to begin a novena to Mary help of Christian and asked the boy to make his confession and communion. he said if these are done there is no need of any treatment. the boy will return. The boy was recovered fast and we concluded that there is a supernatural power.  we could see the god's presence in Don Bosco. 

Don Boscos' supernatural gifts we can add on because he was filled with divine grace. He has gifts like working miracles, reading the conscience of people, seeing in vision, prophesying etc.  God blessed Don Bosco with special gifts as supernatural person. 

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