-          Arul kumar. A
Abstract:   Artificial Intelligent would be a great help for the managers to make decisions in the management. AI helps in interviewing the employee and collects the data. It communicates the working details and companies rules to the employee. So it reduces the work load of managers. AI guides the managers in correct path according to the creation of AI. It supports the managers as well as the workers about their schemes, salaries, and payments. The managers are looking for better AI for good management to work faster and smarter. In this case the managers or the organizers must have the technological skill to operate the AI. They need special training in this field to operate the technologies. When they apply AI for the functions of management and it supports technologically but it may affect the personal human touch. It operates according to the specific tasks is given to AI. In this AI users need to apply in management based on the requirement of the organization for better and smarter way of succeeding business.


The management has to update their technology in the field of organizations. AI placed vital role in the future for reducing the time and better performance. The documents are kept ready for the review in day to day report for analytic view. AI created for managers to reduce the work burden and it is generated for interview by recognizing voice and responds to the question. It generates the financial statement and performance of the employee. It states the problems of industry and solution to the problems. It indicates the problem and human being must address to the issues according to necessitate arises in the business. When human beings are compare to the Machines, in the machines are controlled and programmed by men. So it’s an artificial intelligent and human made machine to do work better with this help.

Application in Management:
Artificial Intelligence applied in enterprise for reducing mistakes and avoids frauds. AI brings good customers and builds up the good relationship with management.   It’s also supports the managers to know the performance of employee who is executed faster their targets.  It keeps the records of the employee’s details and promotes them to the next level. The management is ready to pay higher scale salary to the employee.  AI helps the managers to make quick decisions. The managers must feed the companies rules and regulation, policies and workers details, company related data for better performance. The AI system worker faster compare to the human being.

Applying Artificial Intelligence in day to day Activities of Management
Artificial Intelligence has the restricted use in the field of industry. It is programmed such way that it acts according to the management procedures.  It collects data for doing automatic work like, self driving cars, manufacturing and fitting parts of machines, data producing and financial statements, business stacks and employee reports, security and fraud detection, online retailer support. AI place vital role in management and evolving day by day for planning the business. It reduces the stress for managers and it helps the management to act effectively in the business.

The business process and decision making
The industries have huge machines which are very difficult to operate and maintain in it. So they apply the artificial intelligence to perform this action which is programmed to finish the target. Human beings are very difficult to operate the huge machine and maintained it. Human application is very difficult to attend failure because we don’t know where the mistake has taken place exactly.  It indicates the defect parts in the machines and rectify immediately without much delay.  In the other factor is that the chemical industries dangerous to the human being so they apply AI to perform action.
In the telecommunication used the AI for automated voice reply which is used for customers responds immediately without delay. It has set off answers for best fit for the customers and it generates answers automatically according the need of the hour by collecting data. The application collects the data and analysis for the future respond. For an example, the fuzzy logic models, Neural network models, Bayesian networks, game theory and other technique models. 

Performance in Profit Making
The AI makes impact on the industry to run as the huge profit maker. It analyzes the day today activities and produces the report. It produces the collective and cognitive report of the firm.  It assists daily works according the data that collected through customers and acts the business promotional activities. Algorithms helped the managers to run the business. Logistics used in the trucks for efficient travel pattern to forecast the weather, fuel consumption, traffic etc.  Human resource department and staffing agencies use AI implementation to choose the best employee for the industry. It chooses best fit person for the work. It is also used in market prediction to know about the market status, raw materials, production, demand and supply, price fixing for the products, product recommendations.

The Impact of AI on the Management
AI reduces the burden of management and finish the target very fast when compare to the direct human labour. It reduces the management cost by appointing different categories of workers in the management. AI works in manufacturing companies and fitting machines where all works is done by the machines. It created such way that it designs according to the customer’s preference and taste.  The information feed into system for managing and organizing the industry for successful business. AI made changes in the management according to the performance. In the beginning, AI implemented through basic innovative ideas and adopted the situation of the industry for managing whole industry. AI upgraded through software development to manage and organize in the company. The labourer reduced due to the AI implementation in the industry. AI based voice reorganization system that kills the job of manual labourer. It is successful in the industries but it affects the livelihood of people where lot of people unemployed in the countries. It is used for the industries where the man power is very less but it happens all over the world to implement the latest technology to make huge profit in the competitive world.
Many industrialists are very keen to know about AI application in the business for better and faster perform their tasks. AI avoids stress for managers and makes them to take better decision. It monitors everything that is assigned which has capacity to do multi task maker in a day. The software created for particular task to achieve companies’ goal that is maximizing the profit by applying this. Companies will use the artificial intelligence in the management to make profit in the future. The software methods system may differ but the concept remains the same. The artificial intelligence are chat boats, voice recognizer, e-commerce, and communication in the workplace, health care, human resource & management, logistic and supply chain, cyber security, hotel, resort, travels etc., Artificial intelligence would be a more demand for future industrialists to do their work because humans labour are very difficult to get them and shortage of workers.

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