Mineral water bottle - ETHICS OF COMMUNICATION


Prepared by
Br. Arul Kumar

Submitted to
Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Maddhichetty SDB
To begin with……

Unscrupulous politicians use media unjust policies and unfair government. The techniques borrowed from advertising and public relations are deployed on behalf of policies that exploit particular groups and violate fundamental rights, including the right to life. (cf. Pope John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, 70).

The advertisement on Amma Mineral water bottle
The first clip showed the sea with waves. The next clip was on seashore and two persons were somersaulting. One of them took the bottle and drank the water from the bottle. In the third clip, the bullock cart rider drank the water and was riding the cart. In the next clip a foreigner was carrying the water bottle in his shoulder bag and entered into the bus. Another clip, a father gave the water to his daughter, was sitting in the bus. The next clip, the lorry driver stopped the lorry and bought water for Rs 10 from the water booth. The location showed that the stall was outside the bus station. The other clip, groups of girls were playing volleyball. After the game they drank the bottle water. At last a mother gave water to the child by using the cap of the water bottle. The few words said at last were that the mothers’ love is pure. Similarity the Amma drinking water is also pure. Few words on the screen read that we cannot buy mineral water anywhere in India for Rs 10. Only Tamil Nadu provides Amma Water low cost. The bottle is used and plastic is also used for packing the water for sales. Tamil Nadu former CM.J. Jayalaithaa inaugurated the water plant in Gummudipoondi where she could sell the water bottle Rs 10 a litre. It is a joined venture of Tamil Nadu Transport Corporations and Government for the benefit of the travelers. It is for all people in particular for the poor.

Ethical Issue
Water is a basic necessity which the government must provide freely or by supplying water to the people by imposing water tax. Here the government takes the policy of selling water to people in bottles in the bus stations. The government is also
imposing on the merchants and petty shops not to use the plastics but government promotes it by selling water. The water bottle contains plastics and plastic and rapper which contains name. Further more for packing plastic is used. The government proposed a green city and a clean environment. The government advertised to buy plastic in a cheaper rate. When the traveler or any people buy the water bottle where do they dispose it? They just throw them on the road ways because there are no proper dustbins placed. It is said that these bottles are recycled but how must the government do this action. There is no awareness about the use the bottle because many people use same bottle for long times, will it affect? It depends upon the plastic that they used for distributing the water.
Again I am coming to the video clips

The one who drinks first on seashore he drinks it without sharing the water. He does not buy the water bottle it is just lying down and he drinks by spilling water. Bullock cart driver drinks water and moves ahead. He was dirking in a forest like place. This buying of water attitude is passed on to the next generation too by the relatives. Lorry driver bought water for him. In the other incident when a group of girls were playing on the ground they drink the water. It is for the passengers or the travelers but how come it exceeds the service? At last the mother gave water to the child. It was not a bus stand. At last the statement came that we never get like this water anywhere India.

Positive influence
As the ruling government, the officials under them are forced to obey her command, otherwise they will lose their job or the office. In that case most of the politicians obeyed her for the better life. She used the name of Anna for positive element among all the people as well as the reduced price, compare to other companies. In this way she justifies herself to the public. It is good for the passengers to buy cheaper rate water.

Negative influence on morality
The negative aspect was that in the name of Transport Corporation she took over the brand name for the promotion of party as well as the business to herself. Whatever she gone to the people as free were collected from the people through the tax in what way
it could be justified? In this connection the how she could make more profit for herself water business. She could have kept the water bottle name as government water but she owned her name in that. Though the cost of production may very low, may be Rs 5, but selling the mineral water at Rs 10 is very costly. She will earn big junk of money in this business. In the other incident that in Egmore station we could fill up purified water for Rs 3 per litre. Why can’t she do this way? It goes against the rights of the people. The government makes the people realize that the water is also one of the commodities which could be sold in the shops. It has the economic value.

Caution /danger
It is a great danger when people keep the water in the hot sun or near the engine in the bus. It will affect the health of the person. The awareness is not crated among people how to use the bottle and dispose those things. It is thrown down here and there. It causes danger to the nature as well as to human in every aspect of life. Polycarbonate plastics contain a chemical called bisphenol-A (BPA). In both phthalates and bisphenol-A are known hormone disrupting chemicals, often called hormone mimicking compounds. Studies show that both phthalates and BPA have adverse health effects in humans and are linked to infertility,, premature puberty, asthma, allergies, menstrual cycle irregularities, breast cancer and prostate cancer. Keep in mind that both the production and incineration of all types of plastic creates toxins that contribute to air pollution the truth is that most of the bottled waters you buy at a store are made with PET, which is not PVC or polycarbonate.
Promote sales
She always makes this purified water more profitable. That’s why she uses the media to advertise freely her own brand it. She promoted the water business into a success. Water is necessary for man. According the need people will buy. There are no much water facilities. In that cause people are forced to buy water in that particular situation.

Affects the person
It affects the poor because earlier they carried water wherever they go and the
water was available in all the places. Even the bus stand there we could get the purified
water for the travelers, now a day’s those things that are not cared for by the

The Situation of Employers in the booth in the Transport Corporations
She said about the employer for the distribution of the water to the different places
in Tamil Nadu. According to sources, one unit can produce around three lakh litres of
water. There are around 1.24 lakh transport employees in the state. The plant will be run
by them. So there will not be any need to invest in additional manpower. We will be
training them in running the units. Regarding that one that comes to the transport
department becomes a water seller like any other persons no more driver or any other
duties in that department.

Price of the Bottle
‘The price will not be increased even if the demand increases’ this is said for the
promotion of the water but how could she achieve this controlling of the price in the
growing economy. Business is always business. It is never static in that case the price
will increase in any kind of business. Promotion starts with low price to boom up the sale.

Critical Use of the Tools of Ethical Theory
The water bottle is printed with her image and the sentimental words for the
people to buy, because from the birth we call our mother Amma. In that case she has
stolen the brand name to sell water. Earlier each bus stand had a water plant which was
purified. Water used for the passengers. She has cut down all the mineral water plant in
the bus stand in order to boost up the water bottle sale in all the places.

The government should keep up to the rules and regulation for the good of the
publicans. This is like individual act that making business like any other private
companies. The government is for the service of the people and the poor. This priority
should be kept in mind while ruling the state. The people are without sanitation, the
government should make this available to all.

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