Marriage is a bond


                     Marriage is a bond 

The association of Man & Woman is as old as inception of life on this earth. This association is well described in all our epics and holy books. They say that for existence and proper functioning of this nature, man and woman both has to contribute equally. It’s perfectly true, because if man sows the seeds of life, its woman who nurtures it, feeds it from their body, take proper care with lots of love and intense affection and at last delivers that symbol of life. She is the key part in formation of love. She contributes more than men.

But, on the second front its man who protects woman. He is responsible for providing all types of security, be it physical security, financial security, social security or emotional security. Modern woman is advanced enough to take care of her, to earn their livelihood, and to think and plan their future. But at certain points she also needs help and support of men. Women are considered as stronger by heart, and men are known as stronger by mind and body.

In brief, it’s clear and acceptable fact that men and women both are complimentary to each other. Together they can be creator of life, they can generate so much of happiness, fun and harmony in life of each other, and they can make their life better than earlier after a particular stage. This association of both genders starts after marriage. Marriage is a stage of life where one gets a partner for life. There are several things for which you need a partner, not only to fulfill only physical needs. The relationship of husband and wife is based on mutual trust, sentiments for each other, as well as a lot of love, affection and respect for each other. All these things are essential ingredients of a successful marriage. One needs to be strict to maintain equilibrium between all these ingredients. In absence of any of them, you cannot expect a long lasting marriage.

Marriage is a lifelong relation, to be driven by both husband and wife. They both are drivers of their married life. None of them can take it along with life alone. They need support of their partner at every walk of life.


Some Tips for Women to Please Their Husband

  1. Cook favorite cuisines of your husband on leisure time of weekends. A candle light dinner arranged at your own home can be the most romantic way to spend a weekend.
  2. Surprise your husband with special makeup and dressing on special occasions like anniversary.
  3. Get up early morning before your hubby, and make him awake by dripping water from your wet hairs, believe me it can be the most erotic way of interacting at the start of day. It can result a very good day for your husband and you both.

Some Tips for men to Please Their Wife

  1. The best way to please your wife is presenting gifts, because women are obsessed for gifts. Gifting jewellery set on memorable occasions like her birthday or your marriage anniversary can make her jump with joy.
  2. Take you wife along with you on a long holiday to a deserted island, or lovely hill station. It can give a feeling of relaxation as well as you’ll spend some real quality time with your wife.
  3. Some smaller things like bidding goodbye with a romantic kiss before leaving to work can result smiles on your wife’s face giving you utmost pleasure.

There are several other small things that can make lot of positive changes in your married life. You just need to identify the right timings. Hit the ball when it is suitable, and get the maximum pleasure out of your married life.


Controversy in Marriage

Marriage is a beautiful that is celebrated on earth. It is that institution that keeps man bonded in a relation who is sweet, needs full commitment and dedication with honesty. The relation of marriage is based on honesty, Respect and love for each other. Either of its missing can create problem. No relation on earth is always flowery. Problems are always attached.

In relation of marriage also problem is bound to have, which later leads to sometimes serious problems. The main controversies which generally couple faces are:

Financial problem

Couples often have clashes on money matters. One person might always be in the vague of saving money, while the spouse might be spendthrift. Thus, expenses are always an issue.

In Laws Marriage Problem

Married ladies are more often coming up with the problem of In-laws. This can be somewhat attributed to generation gap also. In-laws compare their times with that of their child’s and this causes frustration.

Communication Problem in Marriage

Lack of proper communication gives rise to misunderstandings, thereby causing clashes and tension.

Loss of intimacy is one of those common marriage problems that eat away foundation of a marriage turning what was once a loving and fulfilling relationship into nothing more than a shell. When there is loss of closeness in a relation there is no light. It is only through people communication that people can establish healthy relation.

So it is always better to find solutions of all these major problems which lead to controversies. No man on this earth is perfect. But couple should remember that it is the adoption of this imperfectness and making marriage life blessed.



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